"Natural Solutions: Home Remedies for Pink Eye in Kids"

 "Natural Solutions: Home Remedies for Pink Eye in Kids"

Conjunctivitis, which is also termed 'pink eye', is quite common amongst kids and even adults nowadays. It is very contagious and unpleasant, but it fades away within one week or two. Pink eye is a medical condition wherein our eyes turn pink and appear to be quite disturbing. Our inner eyelids and the white portion of the eye are infected. Some of the most effective home remedies are as follows

  • Make use of a cool compress:--
A cool compress is very helpful in reducing eye inflammation and eases the symptoms. It is prepared by dipping a hand towel in cold water and squeezing out excess water. Later, place the cloth over the eyes for a short period. However, pay close attention if the pink eye is caused due to infection, then the cloth should be discarded immediately. The possibility of catching an infection might spread to other eyes and even household members.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses. Instead, buy a new one, as the chances of infection are high in older ones if you wear them again.
  • Put a halt to eye makeup. Discard the old eye makeup and replace it with new ones once your eyes are in healthy condition.
  • Use damp clothes:--
Those individuals suffering from pink eye experience leaks, a thick discharge, or even pus from their eyes. The pus thus formed gets dried up quickly thereby developing a crust across the edges of an eyelid. This type of crust makes it extremely complicated for a person to open their eyes during the morning.
So make use of damp clothes to eliminate pus present in eyelashes. If possible, take a warm bath to remove the dry crust.
  • Eye drops:--
Individuals struggling with pink eye may consider using artificial tears to reduce the burning sensation in the eye. They are capable of removing any sort of allergen and cleanse the eyes.
  • Intake of diets rich in vitamins A, K, C, and B helps facilitate eye health and heals infection.
  • Adequate sleep is required to soothe symptoms
  • Sufficient intake of zinc supplements
  • Stay hydrated all the time to ensure a speedy recovery.
  • Try to avoid touching your eyes, as the stakes of being infected by other eyes are high. It might even aggravate the symptoms
·         Stay away from high counts of pollen and ragweed:--Make sure the total duration you spend outside is limited especially when there are high pollen counts. This would prevent the invasion of allergens into your house. Keep the dust and mold at bay. Always ensure that doors and windows are closed if you are suffering from conjunctivitis. 

How to prevent the development of pink eye?
One of the best ways to thwart pink eye is to stick with good hygiene. The below mentioned tips might be helpful:--
  1. Do not forget to wash your hands frequently
  1. Replace old pillowcases with new ones daily
  1. Practice using a new clean towel rather than sharing towels
  1. Discard eyes cosmetics if any especially if you are struggling with pink eye
When to consult a doctor?

  • If the person infected is below five years old
  • Drastic reduction in vision
  • The color of pus is either green or yellow
  • If the cornea appears to be opaque
Pink eye is a medical condition that triggers inflammation of the cell membrane that masks our eyes and lines within the eyelids. They are temporary and get rectified on their own. However, the above-mentioned home remedies help in mitigating the symptoms.
People often benefit from applying eye drops and over-the-counter pain relievers. But it is better to practice appropriate hygiene thereby thwarting infection. If in case the pink eye issues persist, seek medical help and the concerned eye physician may prescribe an eye drop or an ointment for quick revival.
It is highly recommended to consult a health care provider before resorting to self-medications for curing pink eye.

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