Effective Home Remedies for Cough: Natural Solutions for Quick Relief

"Effective Home Remedies for Cough: Natural Solutions for Quick Relief" 

Cough is believed to be one of the major reasons why people across the globe seek medical treatment. It is estimated that approximately 40% of cases are automatically referred to a pulmonologist who specializes in treating severe lung conditions.

In general, cough is a seasonal illness, which helps in clearing your throat from foreign contaminants and phlegm. Nevertheless, prolonged coughing might be a symptom of other health conditions. Some of them are as follows:--


  • viral infection
  • bacterial infection
  • allergies

However, there are times during which cough is not at all related to your lungs. Even Gastroesophageal reflux disease might trigger a cough. Doctors often prescribe over-the-counter medications to cure coughs caused due to sinus infections and colds. On the contrary, there are several home remedies available to those who are struggling to get rid of cough.

Now we shall discuss some of the effective home remedies to treat cough:--


  • Honey:--

According to a survey conducted in the year 2018, intake of hot liquids with honey helps alleviate cough for a shorter duration. Experts recommend taking either plain hot water or hot tea and mixing it with honey as well as lemon (just for flavor). This proved to be an effective method when compared to over-the-counter medications.


  • Ginger:--

Ginger is yet another popular traditional remedy to cure cough since it contains anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from that, it is very helpful in treating pain and nausea as well. A recent study revealed the fact ginger falls under the list of ten different natural products utilized in conventional Asian medicines.

Ginger tea is also an ideal option to prevent cough as the hot liquid helps in diminishing throat irritation, dryness and clears mucus. However, it is not advisable to consume an adequate quantity of ginger since it might trigger heartburn and severe abdominal discomfort.


How to prepare the home remedies for cough

First, you need to chop a 1-inch length of fresh ginger root. Let it boil in a cup of water for about fifteen minutes. If necessary, you may order ginger tea bags online.

Hot beverages:--- 

As per the study conducted in the year 2008, consuming liquids at room temperature helps in reducing the symptoms of sneezing, runny nose, and cough. However, people struggling with additional flu or cold symptoms may consider taking hot beverages as it is useful in narrowing down chances of fatigue and chills.

Some of the hot beverages are as follows:--

  1. Warm water
  2. Warm fruit juices
  3. Herbal tea
  4. Decaffeinated black tea


  • Probiotics:--

Probiotics are microorganisms that feature a myriad of health benefits. Even though it does not help reduce the intensity of cough, the presence of gastrointestinal flora strikes a balance in your intestine. This is very helpful in boosting your immune system.

Probiotics are usually included in certain yogurts, kombucha, and miso soup. However, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor regarding which type of probiotic is suited for you based on your health condition. Some of the traditional ways to procure probiotics are via fermented food items including--


  1. yogurt
  2. kombucha
  3. sauerkraut
  4. miso
  5. tempeh
  6. kimchi
  7. kefir


  • Bromelain:---

Bromelain is an enzyme, which is, appears within the stem and fruit of pineapple. It is very useful in reducing the symptoms of cough. For best results, experts recommend taking a slice of pineapple or preparing fresh pineapple juice and drinking it at least thrice a day. According to research conducted in the year 2018, this specific enzyme diminishes any sort of allergy-based sinus problems and sinusitis.

Apart from that, Bromelain is best suited to prevent swelling and inflammation as well. However, adults and children who consume blood thinners should stay away from consuming Bromelain supplements. In addition, those who are relying on antibiotics like amoxicillin must avoid taking Bromelain.

It is highly recommended to consult a doctor before taking such types of supplements.


  • Steam:----

You may consider procuring a humidifier since it helps clear your throat from mucus and other symptoms. However, you have to make sure that the humidity level is between 40% and 50% while indoors. Ensure that the equipment is cleaned regularly. It should be free from foreign contaminants. Experts from the Environmental Protection Agency suggest changing the filter regularly for best results.

Another method involves taking a hot bath or shower and letting the bathroom be filled with steam. An individual is supposed to remain inside the bathroom containing steam for a few minutes until the symptoms diminish. Later, they may take a glass of water to cool down thereby preventing dehydration.


  • Marshmallow root:---

Since ancient times, Marshmallow root has been a traditional herb that helps alleviate the symptoms of cough and sore throats as well. As per the studies, the presence of marshmallow root, thyme, and ivy in an herbal cough syrup proved to be very effective in preventing respiratory tract infections and even the common cold.

Today, Marshmallow roots are readily available in the form of bagged tea or dried herbs via online stores or retail shops. All you need to do is to mix some hot water and consume it instantly.


  • Saltwater:----

For the past many years, people have relied on using saltwater and gargling it thereby easing scratchy throat and clear mucus. Experts suggest taking a pinch of salt and mixing it with eight ounces of warm water to reduce the symptoms of cough.

Children under the age of six may consider resorting to other methods, as they might not be comfortable with the above-mentioned technique.


  • Slippery Elm:--

Ever since the ancient period, Slippery Elm has been popular to reduce sore throat and cough. Most people claim that it is very helpful in reducing inflammation and eases the throat lining as well. Still, there is no concrete evidence to support the statement. There are no side effects concerning slippery elm.


  • NAC( N-acetylcysteine):----

It is an amino acid that has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The presence of NAC is found in food items such as eggs, poultry, and legumes. Even though it is best suited for treating respiratory ailments, there are speculations about whether this supplement is not effective to cure cough.


So listed above are some of the best home remedies to prevent cough. If the problem persists, it is highly recommended to seek medical help. Doing so, it helps in identifying the root cause of your symptoms and resort to a better treatment to cure cough.

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