Effective Home Remedies for Quick Relief from Loose Motions

"Effective Home Remedies for Quick Relief from Loose Motions"

Loose motion, which is also referred to as Diarrhea, is a condition when our gastrointestinal system experiences certain disruptions. It might continue for two weeks since the ability to absorb nutrients is low. This would often lead to indigestion causing abdominal pain and bloating. The root cause behind the condition might be due to adequate intake of antibiotics, food poisoning, viral or bacterial infection, and even contaminated water.

Diarrhea is quite common, particularly amongst children and it is primarily due to virus infection. Those individuals who are traveling to the least underdeveloped regions and consume water which could be unhygienic are susceptible to diarrhea. Apart from that, consuming overcooked food or not preserved properly are also some of the common causes of loose motion.

We shall focus on some of the effective home remedies for loose motion:--

  • Hydration:---

Hydration is extremely crucial if you are struggling with diarrhea. Dehydration proves to be fatal, especially for kids and senior citizens. Infants should be given appropriate breast feeding or formula feeding to prevent the risk of loose motion. Experts suggest intake of over-the-counter hydration pills such as Pedialyte which is exclusively designed for children experiencing diarrhea.

According to studies, adults who are experiencing slight symptoms of loose motion may consider taking sports drinks and over-the-counter re-hydration solutions. However, it is highly recommended to stay away from carbonated drinks, alcohol, and milk for hydration purposes since it might escalate the symptoms.

  • Probiotics:---

Probiotics are live microorganisms that are found in certain food items such as green olives, dark chocolates, cottage cheese, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, miso, natto, pickles, and yogurt. They are also readily available at the nearby retail shops in powder or pill form. It is a good bacteria that thrives within our intestinal tract and they are essential for the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal system.

Probiotics play a pivotal role in safeguarding our intestines against infection. The presence of viruses and unhealthy bacteria would often trigger diarrhea. This is where Probiotics prove to be helpful since it helps in striking a balance of bacteria in your stomach.


  • Over-the-counter medications:--

There are numerous over-the-counter medications available to alleviate the symptoms of diarrhea such as loperamide (Imodium) and bismuth subsalicylate. Even though they help reduce the intensity of the condition, it is not sufficient to cure the root cause.

Those people who are experiencing chronic diarrhea should avoid using the above-mentioned unless prescribed by the concerned physician. This applies to infants who are below three months.


  • Low-fiber food items:--

This might sound a little absurd to consume certain types of food especially if you are experiencing chronic diarrhea. Experts suggest intake of low-fiber food items such as bananas, white rice, apple sauce, and toast would develop a healthy gut environment. Apart from that, there are other food items that help in relieving the symptoms of loose motion:--


  1. Skin-peeled baked potatoes
  2. Oatmeal
  3. Baked chicken without skin
  4. Chicken soup

  • Avoid intake of high-fiber foods:--

Try to avoid taking fried, greasy, and high-fiber food items such as fruits and vegetables. It might escalate bloating. Some of the other food items are as follows:--

  1. Artificial sweeteners like chewing gum and soft drinks
  2. Alcohol
  3. Cabbage
  4. Berries
  5. Beans
  6. Coffee
  7. Chickpeas
  8. Ice Cream
  9. Cauliflower
  10. Corn
  11. Milk
  12. Green leafy vegetables
  13. Prunes
  14. Tea
  • Lemon:--

Lemon contains anti-inflammatory properties and is regarded as one of the best home remedies to prevent loose motion. You may take it in the form of juice or just squeeze a small volume of juice over fruits and vegetables. However, it is highly recommended to consume an adequate quantity of lemon since it might lead to heartburn and damage your teeth.

 Continue Reading Home Remedies For Loose Motion

  • Gooseberry:--

Gooseberry, which is also referred to as amla, features exceptional laxation properties. It is considered an ideal food item to prevent the symptoms of loose motion.

How to prepare?


  1. Grind 10 grams of dried amla well to make it a fine powder.
  2. Mix the powder with one glass of water and take it each morning only if you are experiencing loose motions.


  • Grapefruit:--

Grapefruit, which is rich in fiber content helps, ease your bowel movement. Nevertheless, it contains a huge volume of sugar, fiber, and antioxidants escalating the flow of the bowel and worsening the situation. Even though it is a healthy option, one should avoid taking excess amounts of Grapefruit since it would trigger gas, bloating, and diarrhea.


  • Kefir Lime Leaves:--

Kefir Lime Leaves is a popular ingredient used in Thai cuisine. It features a truckload of benefits as well as astounding Probiotic properties. This type of leaf features an antibacterial agent that has the potential to eliminate staphylococcus bacteria which is primarily responsible for food poisoning and diarrhea.


  • Buttermilk:--

Buttermilk features lactic acid bacteria known as lactobacillus, which helps strike a perfect balance between unwanted and useful gut bacteria. Apart from that, it helps in boosting our immune system and acts as an excellent Probiotic as well. To stay healthy, you may consider taking one or two glasses of buttermilk per day. However, it is suggested to avoid consuming excess volume of buttermilk since it might enhance cold or fever.


  • Sweet Lime:--

Sweet Lime which is also termed as Moosambi juice contains acids that act as a defensive mechanism against toxins present in bowel tracts. It is very useful in ensuring the smooth flow of the bowel by flushing out harmful toxins from the gut thereby easing diarrhea.

Individuals who are suffering from diarrhea may consider mixing sweet lime juice in lukewarm water and taking it twice a day.

Ways to prevent diarrhea in toddlers


  • Keep track of meals and it should correspond to the volume, timing, and frequency of loose motion
  • Make sure that there is no presence of blood in the stool
  • Avoid intake of fruit juices that contain Sorbitol and fructose.


Even though there are several home remedies available to prevent symptoms of loose motion, they might not be effective for each person. As a result, it is highly recommended to seek medical help and take medications as prescribed by the concerned physician.

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