"Radiant Eyes: Say Goodbye to Dark Circles with These Effective Remedies!"

"Radiant Eyes: Say Goodbye to Dark Circles with These Effective Home Remedies!"

The issues about the dark circle are not quite unusual for both men and women. It might be unpleasant and disgusting for us people. Do not fret as the majority of them including celebrities across the globe have experienced similar problems and they depend upon concealers to mask dark circles. As the skin around our eyes is quite sensitive, it is always better to rely on natural remedies instead of using chemical-based items. Now we shall discuss some of the home remedies to cure dark circles.

  • Cold tea bags:--

Cold tea bags is one of the ideal option to fight against dark circles. For best results, make use of either green tea or chamomile tea. This residual caffeine helps compress blood vessels thereby restricting blood flow and respite from dark circles.

How to prepare?

Soak the tea bags in water and place them inside the refrigerator. Later, pick those bags and place them over your eyes for fifteen minutes. Repeat this process regularly.


  • Almond Oil:---

Almond Oil is also a quick remedial option to mask dark circles. The presence of Vitamin E in the oil helps in restoring the skin. If the process is implemented daily, dark circles will fade off gradually. Almond oil acts as a soothing agent to make skin soft and glowing.

How to use it?

You may take a few drops of almond oil and apply it over the dark circles. Gently massage it to penetrate deep into the skin. Allow it to stay overnight and rinse it the next morning.

  • Minced potatoes and cucumber:--

They are very useful in mitigating puffiness around your eyes. The presence of Vitamins, anti-inflammatory properties, and anti-oxidants helps subside inflammation and keep dark circles at bay.

How to use it?

Chop a few potatoes or cucumbers and place them over your eyes. You may relax for some time and remove it after twelve minutes. Another method is extracting the juice of cucumber or potato. Now you may take a cotton ball and soak it in the juice before placing it over your eyes. Ensure that the entire portion of the dark circles is covered and leave it for 3 minutes. Later rinse it using cold water.


  • Rose Water:---

Rose Water is capable of easing stress under-eye skin. The presence of antioxidants boosts and restores skin cells. It would keep the skin tone intact as well.

How to use it?

You may soak cotton balls in astringent rose water and place them over the dark circles for about fifteen minutes. This process should be repeated at least twice per day for a few weeks.


  • Cold Milk:--

Cold Milk often acts as a natural cleanser for our eyes and aids in soothing the skin around the eyes. The presence of lactic acid in cold milk is helpful in subsiding puffiness and rejuvenating skin cells. Skin will stay moisturized owing to the presence of potassium in milk

How to use it?

The process is quite simple dipping a cotton ball in cold milk and applying it over the affected portion. Let it remain for a while and wash your eyes using cold water. You may repeat the procedure thrice a week.


  • Tomato:----

The presence of an antioxidant lycopene and its natural bleaching property softens our skin and prevents skin discoloration as well. Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins A, B, and C and minerals like calcium, sulfur, potassium, and iron.

How to use it?

Tomato juice may be applied over the dark circles and let remain for ten minutes. Later cleanse your eyes using water. You may repeat the process twice a day for a few weeks.


  • Sleeping pattern:--

Dark circles are also caused due to our sleeping patterns. If we place a few pillows right under our head, it might block the fluid from accumulating beneath our eyes. This would lead to swollen eyes.


  • Aloe Vera:--

Aloe Vera is best suited for skin moisturization. It will stay healthy for a longer period and the possibilities of sag are remote. They are also helpful in skin nourishment and premature aging.


How to use it?

You may apply Aloe Vera gel right under your eyes and gently massage for seven minutes. However, do not rinse unless you feel any sort of discomfort.

  • Vitamin E oil:--

Another good ingredient to mask dark circles is Vitamin E oil. It can be applied overnight. Today, Vitamin E capsules are available which can be ground and mixed with coconut oil. Gently massage using your finger and leave it overnight.


  • Engage in yoga and meditation:--

Another major reason behind the development of dark circles is due to a sedentary lifestyle, depression, and stress. All you need to do is to stay calm and composed. Apart from that, undertake yoga and meditation regularly to avert stress.


  • Frequent sleep:--

Lack of sleep is perhaps another factor in the development of dark circles. Therefore, you should get adequate sleep to get rid of dark circles. By doing so, your body receives ample time to restore and rejuvenate the skin. In the long run, prevention and reduction of dark circles is possible only through proper sleep.


  • Always resort to the consumption of diets that are rich sources of Vitamin C and iron
  • Do not rub your eyes each time
  • Avoid the application of eye cosmetics 
  • The skin moisturization process is essential
  • Ensure that you wear sunglasses to safeguard your eyes from harmful UV radiation.

Factors behind the development of dark circles


  • Lack of nutritious food items such as fruits, salads, and unhealthy and processed foods would lead to dark circles.
  • Intake of water in small quantities is another reason behind triggering dark circles. We have to make sure that skin stays hydrated all the time.
  • Access to electronic gadgets for a long duration could strain your eyes.


Dark circles are quite common these days. The best option is to keep them under control. So you may follow the above-mentioned home remedies for quick revival.

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