Simple Home Remedies To Improve Your Child's Immunity.

 Simple Home Remedies To Improve Your Child's Immunity.

Most of you might have noticed that children are more vulnerable to diseases. This is primarily because they lack immunity and are more likely to catch infections from the surrounding areas instantly. Therefore, it is our responsibility to ensure that they stay physically fit and strong. Children should be fed a diet rich in Vitamin A, B6, zinc, iron, antioxidants, and folic acids to enhance immunity levels. However, there are times during which it becomes quite complicated to identify the required nutrients from the type of meals we prepare. It appears to be extremely challenging. This is where home remedies come to our aid. Some of them are listed below--

  • Honey and Lemon juice:--

A perfect combination of these provides instant relief from chest congestion and coughs. Lemon juice, which is a rich source of Vitamin C helps to fight against infections. Honey also possesses anti-inflammatory properties which again acts as a defensive mechanism against various ailments. 

How to prepare?

Mix one tablespoon of each and make the mixture warm using a microwave oven.


  • Sufficient intake of fruits and vegetables:--

Green beans, carrots, strawberries, and oranges containing carotenoids are immunity-boosting phytonutrients. It would enhance the body's ability to generate white blood cells to combat infections. Apart from that, interferon, which is an antibody, covers the surface of a cell to prevent viruses.


  • Haldi milk:--

Haldi, which is also referred to as turmeric contains anti-oxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, which are capable of restoring cells and thereby, mitigating potential risks of infection. It is also advisable to mix a few amounts of grated ginger, tiny drops of honey, and a pinch of cinnamon into Haldi milk. By doing so, it would strengthen the immunity system of a child.


  • Garlic soup:--

The presence of anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties makes Garlic soup one of the ideal immunity boosters.

Preparation of Garlic soup

  1. 5-6 garlic cloves
  2. Sliced onions
  3. Olive oil for roasting the garlic
  4. Vegetable or chicken broth
  5. Oregano for additional flavors
  6. Salt and pepper to taste
  • Lemon ginger tea:--- 

Lemon ginger tea comprises of ingredients like lemon, ginger, and honey that are capable of fighting infections. Lemon is rich in Vitamin C. Honey contains anti-inflammatory properties while ginger is an antioxidant and possesses anti-inflammatory properties as well. These combinations could fortify the immune system thereby fighting infections.


  • Ashwagandha:--

It is a popular herb in the domain of Ayurveda. As the name implies, it is a source of extreme strength. They are capable of stabilizing blood sugar levels and reducing symptoms of inflammation and depression. In addition, it strengthens muscle mass and ensures proper function of the brain. Therefore, it is a perfect choice for the kids.


  • Increase the sleep time:---

Sleep deprivation is one of the major factors behind the development of ailments. Therefore, you have to make sure that your kid gets sufficient time to sleep. By doing so, it boost their immunity levels and fights against microbes.


  • Neem leaves:--

Neem leaves generate immunity levels and cool down the body due to its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It flushes out harmful toxic matter present in the blood. Children should be given two neem leaves thrice per week to enhance immunity.


  • Salad:--

Another best home remedy for strengthening the immunity of a child is salad, as it holds the required nutrients.


  • Baked sweet potato:--

Baked sweet potato is a root vegetable, which is rich in nutrients like fiber. It acts as an antioxidant and safeguards the body from further damage by free radicals.


  • Jaggery:--

Jaggery is a natural sweetener which is extracted from sugarcane. It contains anti-inflammatory properties that help fight against infections. Ensure that this delightful sweet is included in the diet as they are an instant source of energy.


  • Banana smoothie:--

Fruits like bananas are a remarkable immunity booster owing to the presence of potassium. It would make sure that our circulatory system is supplying oxygen to the brain without any interruptions. Another key highlight about banana is that it facilitates a regular heartbeat and maintains blood pressure levels.


  • Spinach smoothie:---

Spinach is yet another ideal immunity booster home remedy that keeps track of hemoglobin levels. This particular ingredient is a rich source of Vitamin C, K, A, folate, and iron, and low in terms of calories.




It is quite natural for your child to catch infections; however, the above-mentioned home remedies would help them from averting ailments. Make sure that the child is in healthy condition and that there is no drop in immunity levels.

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